ALEX TEST (ALLERGY EXPLORER) : The state-of-the-art allergy diagnostic tool that detects more than 300 allergens.


What is the ALEX TEST?

Molecular allergology is increasingly used in routine clinical practice worldwide.

ALEX Allergy Explorer is the world’s first test that can quickly and reliably test for more than 300 allergens at once. A blood sample is all that is needed to conduct a comprehensive analysis, making it a valuable diagnostic tool for the assessment of complex cases.

It includes natural and reconstituted allergens such as pollen, mites, cat and dog epithelium, insect poisons, mould, food or latex.

It is the most modern multifactorial in vitro allergy diagnostic tool that allows the simultaneous measurement of total IgE (tIgE) and specific IgE (sIgE) against a variety of allergens.


Who is the target audience for the ALEX TEST?

The ALEX TEST is addressed to allergic patients, children and adults, providing comprehensive information about their condition and allowing the health professional to better define the patient’s profile and in some cases, to improve the determination of the treatment strategy, especially in food allergies.


What is the procedure for allergy diagnosis viaALEX TEST?

The procedure required to diagnose allergies through ALEX TEST is a simple blood test for which the patient does not need to fast or do any special preparation before sampling. After the blood draw, 100µl of serum is separated and given to the laboratory for further analysis.


How is allergy detection done in the laboratory via the ALEX TEST ?

Allergy Explorer uses a multi-parameter allergy diagnostic method that covers almost all globally relevant allergens in a single laboratory test.

IgE antibodies from the patient’s serum are incubated together with CCDs inhibitors (they increase specificity as they block cross-interactions) and bind to immobilised allergens. Bound IgE is detected by an anti-IgE antibody which is labelled with a fluorescent dye that aids detection and measurement in the bio-scanner.


Advantages of ALEX TEST as a diagnostic tool for allergies.

  • IgE of almost 300 allergens
  • 117 extracts & 178 molecular allergens
  • 50+ unique molecular allergens
  • Total IgE is included
  • Clinically irrelevant IgE antibodies against cross-contaminated active carbohydrates (CCD) are automatically excluded
  • High specificity and easy interpretation of results

Where can I do the ALEX TEST?

ALEX TEST is performed in specialized laboratories that have the appropriate equipment and the necessary certifications.

StartBio speciallizes in allergy tests and provides accurate ALEX TEST results.


The history of ALEX TEST

Allergy diagnosis dates back to the 1960s with the first diagnostic technique being the skin prick test. This was followed by the analysis of specific IgE in allergen extracts and finally the analysis of specific IgE and recombinant allergens. In the 2000s a method based on microarray-based allergens was developed, eventually leading to the ImmunoCAP ISAC which detects about 112 different allergens. A microchip that combines the detection of specific IgE (extracts and recombinant allergens) and was developed in Vienna by MacroArrayDX is the now well-known ALEX test.

See the allergy tests that are carried out in the specialized laboratory of Startbio.


Call us for an appointment or questions about ALEX TEST

24 hours a day: 693 248 8458 – Landline: 211-4025423